Our Work Program stands alone. Among the 10 recognized Work Colleges in the country, only ours is exclusively managed by students. We match students’ academics with on-campus work roles, providing tuition credits for their weekly hours of work. And, we prepare them with real-world work experience worth far more.

When Blackburn College established a vision of the ideal student in 1837, the criteria was “intelligent, forward-thinking, and forward-looking.” Today’s Blackburn College students are made from the same mold.

In the classroom, on the job, and more, the Blackburn experience is always forward-thinking and forward-looking. We’re helping the next generation of leaders, problem solvers and creative thinkers make the most of their college experience.

Blackburn students literally help plan, manage and run the facilities of an institution fully invested in them. Working with Blackburn employees and other students, the “four-year head start” means real-world work experience that pays off; with resumes that are attractive to employers across all fields.

With in-demand skills and a practical, legitimate work resume, our graduates enter the workplace at full speed, ready to rise and shine.

Explore Student Jobs

As the only student-led college work program in the nation, we’re invested in your success. Matching you to the right assignments is critical not only to your education but to our ability to thrive and grow as an academic institution.

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Student Management

You are integral to planning, managing, and running the facilities at Blackburn. You’ll leave with full resumes that are attractive to employers across all fields, and with a rich experience that is immediately applicable to your future.

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Financial Aid

Through the work that you do across campus, you’ll gain more than just experience. You’ll gain a more affordable and attainable education from the tuition credits you earn that are deducted from your tuition each semester. And, whether you need grants, scholarships or loans, we’re here to make your education work for you.

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When I came to Blackburn, a student serving as General Manager gave me the confidence to believe in myself and always push for the top. From that point on, I promised myself I would work my way to a General Manager position just like he did. I want my community to know that anything is possible and to allow myself the opportunity to help peers become the best they can be.
There is nothing like Blackburn in the world. The uniqueness of our Work Program creates a culture of shared responsibility on campus. Whether you're the president or a student worker, each one of us has a valuable and vital role to play at Blackburn College.
The Work Program provided me the chance to better the lives of other students around me. There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing my work and contribution has truly impacted someone else on a deep and personal level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Work Program

In your first semester, you will be placed in a job by the Work Office. Here's how the process works:

  • During summer Orientation you can meet the department managers, talk with them, and learn more about the positions still available on campus.
  • You will rank your preference of departments on your Work Program Job Application, along with any work experience you have from part-time jobs or volunteer work.
  • The managers will consider your application and personal information to place you in an open position.
  • Typically, the placement process takes place after the summer Orientation programs. Students are usually notified by the end of July of their job assignment. In that email, managers will let you know if there are any specific needs for your role, the date of the first department meeting, and other details specific to your job.

It is important to complete the Work Program Job Application as this will give managers an idea of your job skills, past experience, and areas of interest.

Work Program

It depends on the department you work in. If you work in an office, like Academics or Administration, your schedule would fit into 8:00 am – 5:00 pm for the most part. Departments like Campus Services, Maintenance, Security, or Athletics have a wider variety of scheduled work times, so you may work during the day, but might also work early morning, late night, or on weekends. Again, your class schedule will receive priority when your work schedule is made.

Work Program

Absolutely, you can change jobs!

Open positions are advertised on campus and any student can apply. Some jobs may require specific skills or experience.

There are 3 ways to change jobs:

  1. Students can submit an application to the supervisor of the department they want to work in.
  2. If a position isn’t available students can sometimes switch jobs with a student worker in another department. You start this process by speaking to your current manager about your interests and they would work with you to connect to the department you wish to move into.
  3. At the end of the spring semester, any position not filled by a returning worker (someone who held the job that year) will be open to campus for student applications.
Work Program

On average you work 10 hours per week, but this could vary by department or position.

Work Program

Every student participating in Blackburn's Work Program is paid through a tuition credit of $5,000 each year. At the beginning of the semester, a $2,500 credit is applied to your account and then each week as you work you pay back the credit. There is no paycheck, or funds exchanged, for the 150 tuition hours each semester.

NOTE: the tuition credit increases to $8,000 per year and $4,000 per semester with no increase in hours.

There are positions within the Work Program that carry extra responsibility and require more hours. Those positions include a monthly stipend or paid hours. There are also opportunities to apply for positions during summer, winter, and spring breaks for paid hours.

Work Program

If you play a sport, you will need to provide your practice and game schedules to your department manager. As the season progresses, you will need to stay in contact with your manager about potentially missing shifts for travel or games, or if a game needs to be rescheduled. It is extremely important that you communicate weekly with your department about your athletic schedule.

Work Program

There are a variety of campus activities available for you to pursue personal interests. Some work assignments are more flexible than others when scheduling your work hours. You can talk to your manager to see if any conflicts can be avoided.

Work Program

Yes, it is possible to work an off-campus job. It is important to know that you are expected to complete your hours on campus on a weekly basis, so as a student you will be in charge of organizing your class and different work schedules. It is important to let your manager know at the very start of the semester that you have an off-campus job so they can help you build a schedule.

Work Program

There are a couple of ways to change jobs:

  • During the semester positions may open. Any openings will be posted throughout campus, and you can apply to any position.
  • At semester break, there may be positions opened either before or after break; again you can apply for any position.
  • At the end of the spring semester all returning students will be hired for the next fall, so if you are interested in keeping your position you can lock it in. If you are interested in changing jobs, all open positions will be posted.

Work Program
  • I would like to set up a mock interview in preparation for a job interview? You can ask any Manager or General Manager, and you could also set an appointment with Career Services to help you.
  • I need my resume or application reviewed. Career Services can help you prepare for any type of interview.
  • I have questions about my time card. See your Department Manager or a General Manager. 
  • I have a question about my schedule. See your Department Manager or an Assistant Manager.