Members of Institutional Review Board (IRB) in Blackburn College


  • Faculty member from the IRB group


  • Director of Institutional Research
  • One faculty member from each division
  • Provost
  • Community member (full board reviews)

Why does the Blackburn College Institutional Review Board Exist?

The IRB exists as a safeguard to promote ethical and responsible treatment of human subjects/participants in research. Blackburn College and federal policies require projects involving studies with human subjects to be reviewed for the following considerations:

  • The rights and welfare of the subjects involved
  • The appropriateness of methods used to secure informed consent
  • The balance of risks and potential benefits of the investigation

The ultimate responsibility for treatment of human research subjects rests with the researcher and with Blackburn College. The researcher’s informed and enthusiastic participation in this process helps to ensure a positive, ethical, and responsible climate for scholarly research at Blackburn College.

Who must fill out an application with the Blackburn College IRB?

All faculty, staff, or students conducting research involving human subjects and under the auspices of Blackburn College is subject to IRB review. In conformity with Federal Regulations, there are three separate avenues for review of research involving human subjects:

  • Full IRB Review. Research involving more than minimal risk to the subject requires review by the full IRB using current scientific and ethical standards. All research using children or vulnerable populations requires review by the full IRB.
  • Expedited Review. Research involving no more than minimal risk and in which the only involvement of subjects will be in one or more of the categories defined by Federal Policy 46.110 requires review by the Chair and selected members of the IRB. Follow this link for eligibility.
  • Exempt Review. Research of minimal or no risk as defined by Federal Policy 46.101b requires review by the IRB Chair only. Follow this link for eligibility.

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Allow at least four weeks for a decision. Some types of activities are specifically exempt from IRB review. These include:

  • Non-intrusive observation of subjects in public places
  • Data-gathering from class members for classroom purposes (e.g., class exercises, course evaluations)
  • Needs assessment or evaluation data intended to remain within the Blackburn community

Any questions regarding whether a particular study requires IRB should be directed to the Chair of IRB: Dr. Trisha Prunty at or Director of Institutional Research: Elene Looi at

NOTE: Class related projects conducted within the Blackburn College community that are not distributed for publication, or used off-campus; which do not exceed a one-semester time period, and do not involve protected population subjects—as identified in 45 CFR part 46—are exempt from IRB review. Approval from the students’ professor(s) is sufficient for undertaking such research. All other research undertaken requires an IRB application—even when classified as exempt under 45 CFR Part 4.

Blackburn College IRB application process

  1. The principal investigator(s) needs to complete the Human Research Protection Foundational Training, Lesson 1 and 2 and send the certificate of completion to the IR email address, with your first name and last name in the subject.
  2. Download the IRB application form and fill it up.
  3. Send the completed IRB application with all your supported documents to the IR email address, with your name and title of your research project.
  4. Please wait for at least 4 weeks to get feedback (either approval, request for additional revisions, or disapproval) of the project.
  5. You need to save and documented the approved IRB application  from the IR
  6. Update any information to the IR if there are changes/modifications on your research projects after the IRB is approved.

Where do I submit the IRB application?

After completing the form, please send it to the IR office at with name and research project title on the subject for review and approval.

Who do I contact if I need help filling out the IRB application?

Questions regarding the IRB application should be directed to the Office of Institutional Research at (217) 854-5594 or


IRB Application Form
Please complete this form and send it to the IR email at for every research project.

Application for Extension of IRB Approval
This form is to be completed by the principal investigator(s) (and his/her advisor, if appropriate) in order to receive an extension if the project is delayed beyond the dates specified in the original proposal approved by the IRB.

Sample Consent Form (PDF)
Use this form as a template to prepare your consent form.

Sample Recruitment Form (PDF)
Use this form as a template to prepare your recruitment form.

Sample Debrief Form (PDF)
Use this form as a template to prepare your debrief form.

Checklist for Investigators (PDF)
Use this list to verify your application is complete. Applications will be returned if not complete.

If you have difficulty using these files, feel free to contact the Office of Institutional Research at Ludlum 217 or