Archives: Events

JackBox Game Night With CAB

Jaenke Alumni Center 700 College Avenue, Carlinville, IL, United States

Join the Campus Activities Board on Saturday, March 8 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Jaenke Alumni Center for a JackBox Game Night. Don't forget your CAB Card!

Studio Recital

Clegg Chapel (at Hudson Hall)

The spring season kicks off with the Studio Recital, an opportunity for students in applied voice and piano lessons to share their growth and artistry. Featuring an eclectic mix of […]

CAB Event: Trivia Tuesday

Join the Campus Activities Board in DCC from 7:00 - 9:00 pm every Tuesday* for Trivia Tuesday! Are you interested in submitting or hosting your own Trivia Games? Contact for more information! *Please check @blackburnstudentlife for any cancellations and updates.

Spring Break

Academic Holiday: Administrative Offices Open; Academic Offices Closed; No Classes Held

CAB Event: Trivia Tuesday

Join the Campus Activities Board in DCC from 7:00 - 9:00 pm every Tuesday* for Trivia Tuesday! Are you interested in submitting or hosting your own Trivia Games? Contact for more information! *Please check @blackburnstudentlife for any cancellations and updates.

CAB Event: Trivia Tuesday

Join the Campus Activities Board in DCC from 7:00 - 9:00 pm every Tuesday* for Trivia Tuesday! Are you interested in submitting or hosting your own Trivia Games? Contact for more information! *Please check @blackburnstudentlife for any cancellations and updates.

CAB Event: Trivia Tuesday

Join the Campus Activities Board in DCC from 7:00 - 9:00 pm every Tuesday* for Trivia Tuesday! Are you interested in submitting or hosting your own Trivia Games? Contact for more information! *Please check @blackburnstudentlife for any cancellations and updates.

The Beauty Salon (Humanities Salon)

Jaenke Alumni Center 700 College Avenue, Carlinville, IL, United States

Join us for the final salon of the year: The Beauty Salon. What does beauty mean to you? What under-appreciated things in the world do you find beautiful? While we […]

Spring Musical: Once

Bothwell Auditorium at Blackburn College 700 College Avenue, Carlinville, IL, United States

Blackburn proudly presents “Once” as this year’s spring musical. Performances will take place on Friday, April 4, and Saturday, April 5, at 7:00 pm, with a matinee on Sunday, April […]

Spring Musical: Once

Bothwell Auditorium at Blackburn College 700 College Avenue, Carlinville, IL, United States

Blackburn proudly presents “Once” as this year’s spring musical. Performances will take place on Friday, April 4, and Saturday, April 5, at 7:00 pm, with a matinee on Sunday, April […]