Clear, intentional messaging makes all the difference in how others see Blackburn.

The Blackburn brand is more than our name, our logo and our school colors. Our brand provides us direction, keeps us on mission and demonstrates how we speak about ourselves to every student, faculty and staff members, alumni and other key audiences. It’s how we differentiate ourselves from competing colleges and universities, and help students understand the value of a degree from Blackburn College.

More specifically, the brand distinguishes the Blackburn College experience. The brand unites us in purpose, while informing undergraduate students that Blackburn College provides a unique, integrated academic, co-curricular and work experience that gives them a four-year head start toward a rewarding career and life.

Though it is tempting for a department at Blackburn College to create their own brand, logo or marketing materials, this action can have unintended effects such as diluting the central brand and brand message and, at worst, creating confusion among the diverse audiences that Blackburn serves. Strengthening our brand requires that all components of the Blackburn College brand are consistent across all communications facing the public. No matter how we communicate, we all can contribute to strengthening and unifying the brand by following the logo, color, and typeface standards in this guide.