We are committed to the entire student – empowering students to improve their quality of life and reach their highest potential. Promoting a healthy campus community, in mind and body, can assist you in being successful during your college career and beyond.
Health Services
Need to see a medical professional? The Blackburn Medical Clinic is located between Jewell Hall and the Demuzio Campus Center. Affiliated with the Macoupin County Public Health Department, you can meet with nurse practitioners and physicians assistants (virtually or in-person) and gain access to most of what you can get at a doctor’s office.
Counseling Support Services
Blackburn is able to offer Counseling Services to create a healthy, supportive, safe, and welcoming environment for students, faculty, and staff. All services are confidential, compassionate, and inclusive in order to sustain health and well-being. We believe that everyone, no matter whom, deserves an advocate.