This policy applies to students with disabilities as defined by Section 504 and the ADA. A person is disabled if they:

  • Have a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person’s major life activities;
  • Have a record of such impairment; or
  • Are regarded as having such impairment.

Procedure for Obtaining Adjustments
Blackburn College shall, upon request, consider adjustments for students who have been determined to have a disability. An adjustment is defined by this policy as any reasonable accommodation for a student’s disability as required by Federal regulations.
Blackburn’s College Counselor serves as the primary contact for students requesting adjustments related to a disability; the Vice President for Administration and Finance (VPAF) is the College’s ADA compliance officer. Students requesting an adjustment must present to Counseling Services relevant, verifiable, professional documentation or assessment reports confirming the existence of a disability, and meet with the Counselor in order to confirm the disability claim and to assist College officials in determining what adjustment(s) may be warranted. Information regarding a student’s disability will be treated in a confidential manner in accordance with Blackburn College and Counseling Services policies as well as applicable federal and state law.
After the existence of a disability has been confirmed, the Counselor will meet with appropriate college officials to discuss adjustments for the student.

  • Academic Adjustments: The Counselor will confer with the Director of the Learning Center and the Provost to make specific recommendations regarding academic adjustments.
  • Facilities Adjustments: The Counselor will confer with the Director of Physical Plant and the VPAF to make specific recommendations regarding facilities adjustments.
  • Work Program Adjustments: The Counselor will confer with the Associate Dean of Work and Work Program General Managers to make specific recommendations regarding work adjustments.

The student will have two options for the implementation of any recommended adjustments:

  • They may deliver the letter describing the recommended adjustments to (and conferring with) the individuals involved in determining the implementation of a recommended adjustment.
  • They may request the Counselor to contact those individuals involved in determining the implementation of recommended adjustments.

If an approved adjustment is not provided or followed as outlined by the Provost, the Vice President for Administration and Finance, or the Work Program, the student shall report the matter to the Counselor within fifteen business days of receiving his or her adjustment letter.
If a student has followed the procedures identified in this policy and does not agree with the determination of the existence of a disability and/or the recommended adjustment, they may file a grievance by using the grievance procedures listed in this handbook.