Blackburn College is committed to ensuring that our students are as free as possible from any threats to their safety or well being. Fortunately, our rural location affords us the luxury of a relatively low crime rate. in order to anticipate the unexpected, the residence life staff, the campus security force and the students themselves are employed to ensure that students and their possessions are protected as much as possible.

Security Policies and Procedures

Students, faculty and staff have regular access to all non-residential campus buildings from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day. After 10 p.m. only those issued keys are authorized to enter buildings. Physical Plant personnel closely monitors key distribution.
The exterior doors of all Residence Halls are locked 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The residents of each building are assigned an exterior door key to the building they occupy.
Physical Plant staff maintains campus buildings and grounds with a concern for safety and security. Adequate lighting is considered as well as sufficient locks on doors and windows. Prompt response is given to any report of a potential safety or security hazard.
Any disturbance or breach of campus security can be reported by dialing (4224) for the Student Life Office (during regular business hours) or after hours by contacting your Resident Director or the Resident Director on Campus Duty. Upon receipt of a call, the responsible staff person assesses the situation and either handles it or calls local police to intervene.
Residence life staff and security personnel are trained in security measures. City police hold seminars for staff discussing various interventions and reporting strategies. In addition, these staff members are trained to enforce College policy. This includes but is not limited to enforcement of laws regulating underage drinking, and use of controlled substances. Drug enforcement teams, including dogs, may be brought unannounced on to the campus.
Blackburn prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees on College property or as a part of College activities. Each student and employee will be expected to meet these standards of conduct.
The residence hall staff plans programs on a variety of topics to help educate students on personal safety awareness and security. Information on safety and security is provided through seminars, posters, and brochures.

Campus-Wide Emergency Response

In the event of a campus-wide emergency, students will be informed of the emergency and given instruction via the cell phone numbers students provide to the College and students’ campus e-mail addresses. Automated messages will be sent through a “broadcast” communication system used by the College. Students wishing to review the College’s Emergency Response Manual may do so via the website.

Crime Statistics and other Consumer Information

Information regarding crime statistics is available in the current Annual Security & Fire Safety Report and Campus Safety & Security Survey below.
Individuals interested in a paper copy of the campus crime statistics can obtain a copy by making a request at the Campus Security Office (DCC, room #134).
Student persistence rate & graduation rate information can be obtained from the Office of Institutional Research (Ludlum Hall, room #214).
Information on financial assistance available to students enrolled at Blackburn can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office (Ludlum Hall, room #119).

Annual Security & Fire Safety Report and Campus Safety & Security Survey